Welcome to Flamenco Black, where fashion, tradition, and cultural symbolism unite in our Ole’ T-shirts and totes collection.

Introducing our exclusive Festival Tees,  each t-shirt and proudly represents our commitment to the arts and community spirit. 100% of proceeds from the sale of these tees will directly fund scholarships for the 2024-2025 Global Connexion International Festival. Wear it and show your support for emerging talents nationally and internationally through dance fashion, and cultural expression.

Designed by Bridget L. Moore, these items embody a celebration of inclusivity and heritage, reflecting the vibrant spirit of flamenco and the African Diaspora, offering a unique expression of personal style. 

Your support not only enhances your wardrobe, but also furthers our mission to drive meaningful social change through the arts and cultural representation. Proceeds from your purchases contribute to funding workshops in the aesthetics of Flamenco and the African Diaspora for aspiring artists.

© 2024 FLAMENCO BLACK | All rights reserved | fb@flamencoblack.info | Website Designed by Bridget L. Moore